Monday 27 January 2014

Miss Pear's adventures. Chapter One - Fruit Town -one possible thread of the story

Miss Pear’s adventures. Chapter one – Fruit Town

The Central Library of Gloomy Seaside Town is a quiet place, where everyone goes quite often, as there isn't much else to do, except in the summer season, when the town is full of tourists. But now, as it is the end of August, Miss Pear, the receptionist of the library, is standing by the Reception desk, sorting out the books being brought back after the holidays. She has always enjoyed her job, but after a busy period, she always felt like she needed a break, like she wanted to go somewhere and experience an adventure of her own. She’s seen too many happy people living their dream for two-three weeks, that now, Miss Pear has decided there and then, that she wanted to escape.
A grumpy customer not admitting that he didn't return some books, has demoralised her even more. Now she was in the middle of an argument with him and needed to get away. She tells him that she needs to check in the register about those books and excuses herself while she steps into the Office.
First things first, though, she wanted to see when her holidays were booked for. The Office is a very daunting and grim place, hardly any light gets through. Every time she was going in, she felt  the need to run out, but today she was making an effort to find the calendar with the holidays and that register. The light switch was quite difficult to find in that darkness, but as she has switched it on, she realised why she wasn't using the office to relax in her lunch breaks, even though she was allowed to: it was a complete mess, and no matter how often she has tidied it up, it was always getting back to this indescribable state… Sad how it didn't bother some people to live in such a mess: the desk was a complete chaos, lots of papers thrown around, with no order or logic whatsoever, there was a plant on the windowsill, if you could really call it a plant any more  that is, as it looked more like a set of twigs… But somehow, she did find that calendar and realised that her holiday wasn't really booked until much later in the year. What was she thinking when she has booked her holiday for October??? What was she going to do in October??? A!!!! Now she remembered, her friend has asked her to swap and as she had nothing better lined up, she has accepted, but now she regretted it…immensely…
“Well, let’s see what I can do about this.” She thought to herself as she left the office and went straight to the Canteen. She was going to ask Amy Apricot if she could swap holidays as she was supposed to have some time off in the next few days.
“Aww”…Amy has left a plate of fish and chips for Miss Pear on the table… “No, I couldn't ask her to swap, she has got family coming tomorrow, I couldn't do this to her…I couldn't really ask anyone to swap their planned holiday with me, it’s too short notice for anyone. I really want to leave…now…”
She went back to her desk, finished what she was doing told the grumpy customer that he is allowed to take the new books out, but that someone else will look into the old ones,and started writing a letter…a resignation letter. She has decided it’s time for her to take life in her hands and go and chase her dreams, and at this point in time, her dream was to have an adventure and follow the wind, wherever it would take her…
M.P. (Miss Pear) dropped the letter in the Office and went home to pack a few things and started walking… Should she go to the train or bus station? There was no airport in Gloomy Seaside Town, and she didn't really want to fly anyway, she wanted to see places, so either bus or train would do for her. She was ready to explore.
Her steps took her to the Bus Station. First bus was in 10 minutes and would go all the way to Fruit Town. That was quite a way away from Gloomy Seaside Town, but it would cross most of the country and she really wanted to see places. If she wanted she could hop off the bus, if any place along the way would stir interest. So she decided to hop on, but in order to do that, she needed a ticket. At the ticket office window, a sour face was saying something she couldn't really understand, it was much too loud, with everyone getting on the bus and trying to organise their luggage in the luggage compartment. When she got a bit closer, she realised she was being advised to rush if she wanted to get on that bus, as there were only a few minutes left till departure. She quickly bought a ticket and got on board. She didn't need to use the luggage compartment, as she only had a small bag with overnight stuff. She was going to buy things along the way, depending on where she will settle: somewhere by the sea ( a more lively seaside town), or somewhere in a big town. Fruit Town was a place that she always wanted to visit. From the books, it looked like a very old, quiet, but quirky little town, but full of places to visit and interesting arty things to do. She was thinking for quite some time that she would love to take up painting, but with her job and helping out her neighbours, her life was pretty busy in Gloomy Seaside Town , so maybe, this was the time to see if that would make her feel more accomplished.
As she got on the bus and found a great sit by the window, she was being “attacked” by two toddlers – the Cherry Twins. They were very cute, almost angelic in their looks, but she could see trouble was in the waiting… She tried not to interact too much, as the reason for this trip was to relax and enjoy the scenery, but she couldn't ignore them, as they were literally climbing onto her… Where were their parents???? She told them off in a nice manner, and gave them a sweet each, to keep them quiet, but it didn't last long. So, as she went back to reading her book, she was being jumped on again… What should she do? Should she say something to their parents? Should she ignore them to see if they would stop?
She did try the peaceful way, she carried on reading her book for a while until it was not possible any more  She got up, to look for their parents. They were both asleep. Was this normal? Would you just go to sleep and leave your young children to just roam and annoy passengers? She went to the front to talk to the bus driver, seeing that the Cherry Twins have only picked her and no one else to annoy. But the bus driver didn't really want to know too much, as long as he had peace and quiet, he was happy.
“What is all this about???? She is on a holiday. She has even given up her job to live a dream. This WAS NOT her dream!!!”. She has decided to take matter in her own hands. She told the twins off and got them both by their hands and sat themdown in their seats next to their parents, but that was not their idea of fun, so they have decided to throw a tantrum, as that always worked for them. And it seemed that, that was what worked for their parents, as they both woke up instantly. How funny… But, not so funny when they started accusing Miss Pear of upsetting their children. In vain she has tried to explain that the kids needed to be looked after, as she wanted to read her book and not be jumped on by two toddlers. The parents started abusing her as well now.
“What was all this about???? Is this a farce? Is someone playing a trick on me???” she thought out loud. But instead of someone familiar jumping from behind a seat, the Cherry twins’ parents were carrying on with their verbal abuse, raising their voices now, as they were clearly getting more and more annoyed with the fact that they were woken up from their nap.
M.P. decided that she needed to take the situation in her own two hands as, by the looks of it, no one else was getting involved. Should she start an argument with these inconsiderate and rude people, and put them in their place? Is it worth it? Or should she just get off the bus and get on with her adventure. This might just be a sign, this whole situation might just tell her it is time to get off the bus. There might be something interesting waiting for her in the next town.
“Yes, that’s what I will do! I am wasting no more time!” She went in front and asked the bus driver to drop her off at the next stop.
Having misunderstood her, he stopped the bus at the edge of town, and there was no public transport she could take, but she only realised that once the bus was gone. Oh dear, what a nightmare. Did she do the right thing? Was she really made for adventures?
The only thing she could do, was to hitch-hike  but luckily, there came a car that stopped straight away and picked her up. Madame Ananas (the driver), told her she was heading to Fruit Town.
“What a coincidence! Yes, I’ll get to Fruit Town, after all, and have a great ride at the same time. Oh, didn't I mention, Madame Ananas introduced herself as being a ballet teacher, who has been visiting relatives in Gloomy Seaside Town, and was on her way back home, but didn't really enjoy driving all that way on her own. So she was really happy to have a passenger to talk to. She was driving a really nice car, comfy seats, lovely relaxing music was coming out of her stereo, so what more could anyone ask for?”
So M.P. started telling her about the mini 'adventure' she had on the bus and why she had to abandon her travels and was forced, in a way, to hitch-hike.
“Oh no, not the Cherry Twins!!!” was what came out of Madame Ananas’ mouth… “ funny how small the world is, isn't?  They were living next door to my relatives, during my stay in Gloomy Seaside Town. They were there on holiday, but were really cheeky.”
Then they started talking about each other’s lives, deciding to both leave their respective Cherry Twins episodes behind them.
Madame Ananas was a retired ballet teacher, a widower, part of the old French aristocracy, and she had a son, Lazy Ban (lazy by name, lazy by nature, as Miss Pear will soon find out for herself). She was telling her companion how she was trying really hard to get her son interested in the family affairs, as she was really ready to retire and leave everything for him to run. They had a few art galleries in Fruit Town. The only thing Lazy Ban was interested in, was painting, and she had to admit, he was really good at it, but she would have liked him to have a bit of business sense and run the art galleries as well.
“How lovely”, thought Miss Pear, “I came on this adventure to learn how to paint, and I'm having a ride with the owner of a few art galleries in Fruit Town...

Saturday 18 January 2014

Mapping out my game - Fruit Town

Fruit Town

This year, I have decided to connect and weave all my modules into each other. I find it much easier to work if I have got a large project consisting of various different tasks. So, for my very first module, Drawing for games, we had to come up with an idea - character, environment or object, and take it from initial concept, through refined sketches, to a Final piece. After quite a lot of different attempts  and going down various avenues, I have settled upon a few characters that will eventually, create and be part of, a mini game, animation and/or cartoon. 
As a whole, I have named my project Fruit Town, as all my characters are different types of fruit.
So, the starting point for this project, creating an interactive text based adventure, was this piece:

So, my main character will be Lady Pear ( a pear), Mr Kiwipedia ( kiwi fruit) will be the narrator, the Cherry Twins will take the part pf mischievous children, driving the story forward, with their cheeky behavior, while the Wise App (apple) will be overlooking them all. There are some other characters, not present in this painting, but I do have some sketches to show them up. They are Lazy Ban (banana), Madame Ananas (pineaple) and StrawMary ( strawberry).


Act 1

Exposition : Gloomy Seaside Town - Central library reception desk- Miss Pear is sorting out through the books brought back and laying in complete chaos. She's a happy go lucky person, but today seems to be the day when she needs adventure in her life. She decides to take off and go away for a while. She doesn't have any family, close enough to inform, so during her lunch break, she gets on the first bus and awaits to see what the destination will be. ...

Meanwhile, in Fruit Town, few hundred miles away from Gloomy Seaside Town, Lazy Ban is doing what he does best - lazing around by the pool, listening to the music in his headphones, not talking to anyone, not helping anyone around the house, just being moody. Madame Ananas, Lazy Ban's Mum, is part of the old French aristocracy, a widower, retired ballet teacher, trying to get her son interested in the life her family leads. 

Mr Kiwipedia is the narrator, a character present everywhere the story is taking place. He does not interact with the characters (he is sort of invisible to the other characters, in the sense that he is always out of focus), but he will always have an opinion on the events taking place.

The Cherry Twins are two very mischievous twins ( a boy and a girl), 7 year old, who basically drive the story with the constant obstacles they are setting.

Plot point 1

Miss Pear gets on the bus and waits to see where it will take her. She has taken the plunge and gone on an adventure, away from the day to day routine of the librarian job.


The Cherry Twins are on the bus and are being naughty, and getting everyone on the bus annoyed.

Story can move in two different directions from here: 
  1. Miss Pear will join in the twins "fun" as she is on an adventure and tries to rebel, by doing everything against her normal convictions, or
  2. Miss Pear intervenes and tells the twins off, reinstating the order on the bus            

I have used a mind mapping software in order to map my game, and I have found it very useful, as it has a lot of add on images to support the text inputed. It has helped me a lot with creating new avenues due to the visual aspect of the map. Below,  I have added an image of the whole map (fig3), but due to the size of it, the text is barely visible. However, I have cropped sections of it and zoomed in (fig1 and fig2), in order to give everyone an idea as to how I have moved on and developed my initial. idea. 


Next step, was to start creating the interactive narrative, and for this, I have decided to use Quest, a software that lets you create and share interactive fiction. After watching a few tutorials and reading up on how to use the software, I have started my own adventure in creating an adventure.